WordPress 2.7 UI Configurability

Implementation of the new visual design of WordPress 2.7 is almost done.  One of our primary objectives with the new design is to offer interface flexibility and customization.  You can drag-and-drop and show or hide many UI elements.  Here’s the Write Post page stripped down the way I like it.  Title, Content, Categories, and Publish.  That’s all I use and now that’s all I have to see.  Even the navigation is tucked away on the left so I can concentrate on writing.

My Write Post

24 thoughts on “WordPress 2.7 UI Configurability

  1. I’m very excited for 2.7’s release. Excited enough that I’m holding off on some site changes so that I don’t have to redo anything once 2.7 is out. 🙂

    With the dramatic new look (and new features), I’m surprised it’s not being called 3.0. It seems like the point releases have brought pretty major changes!

  2. Now, that looks pretty slick. I’m one of those old farts who hate drastic changes, but hey .. this looks clean and crisp.

    I assume it handles plugs pretty well? Ones that add extra functionality to a post area?

  3. So it’s working like the rectangle modules of Netvibes? 🙂

    I’d prefer to put more information in our dashboard, just like what Google Analytics is doing now.

  4. As long as the control over the text is there, I’m sold. It looks very slick!

    Break Tags work like Break Tags
    Paragraph Tags do what they do…

    I’m anxious to see this in motion…WP is the shanizzle!

  5. I love the fact that categories are back to sidebar. I found it unusable when they were below the post and I forgot to often to set the category to the post. WordPress is GREAT!

  6. Looks good, but I haven’t opened the Write Post page since I started using Windows Live Writer about a year ago. If you’re using a Windows OS I recommend that you give it a try.

  7. Looks good, but I haven’t opened the Write Post page since I started using Windows Live Writer about a year ago.

    Does that mean that you have not upgraded since then?

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