The Breathtaking Bigotry of Unreconstructed America

“Making it illegal to bring food and water to people standing in long lines that are only long because of policies you created to specifically and intentionally limit the electoral power of Black people is honestly more egregious and abhorrent than I have the words for.”

—Clint Smith

It’s also deeply ableist and possibly runs afoul of the ADA. I’m disabled and already have a hard enough time voting.

This is what it looks like when a political party turns against democracy. It doesn’t just try to restrict the vote; it creates mechanisms to subvert the vote and attempts to purge officials who might stand in the way. Georgia is in the spotlight, for reasons past and present, but it is happening across the country wherever Republicans are in control.

Source: Opinion | The Republican Party Is Driving the Nation’s Democratic Decline – The New York Times

The disgusting bigotry of the Republican Party and the Unreconstructed America it represents can still take my breath away even though I was raised on it and lived with it my whole life.

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